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100 Club of Buffalo Awards 11 Local Students Scholarships

By June 16, 2020Scholarships

June 16, 2020, Buffalo, NY – Eleven local high school and university students each received a scholarship from the 100 Club of Buffalo as part of the annual Scholarship of Excellence Program.

The 100 Club provides Scholarships of Excellence of up to $2,000 to high school seniors and full time college students who are the children of, or are themselves active law enforcement, fire or emergency service providers who plan to continue their education at a college level.  Congratulations to all of the winners! 

Students must apply to be considered for an award and applicants must meet the following criteria:

    • Be the child of or be, an Emergency Responder
    • Serve as a role model for other young adults
    • Demonstrate community involvement
    • Demonstrate extracurricular or employment activity
    • Demonstrate consistent academic achievement throughout high school
    • Exhibit leadership qualities and potential

The 2020 Scholarship of Excellence winners include:


High School

Parent’s Name


Devon Canfield

Williamsville South High School

First Responder

Main Transit Fire Department

Declan Faery

Wilson Central High School

Matthew Faery

US Dept. of Homeland Security

Courtney Fell

Niagara University

Alan Fell

Village of Kenmore PD

John Haberman

Hamburg High School

Kevin Haberman

Village of Hamburg PD

Christopher Heitzhaus

Canisius High School

John Heitzhaus

Buffalo Police Dept

Peter Kern

Hilbert College

First Responder

South Wales Fire Company

Ariana Nieves

Buffalo Seminary

Juan Nieves

Buffalo Fire Dept

Joshua Ratajczak

University of Rochester

Brian Ratajczak

New York State Police

Alyssa Reardon

Hamburg High School

Michael Reardon

Erie Co. Sheriff’s Dept

Gage Smith

St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute

Jeffrey Smith

Lancaster PD

William Wozniak

Maple Grove High School

Kevin Wozniak

New York State Police

The 100 Club of Buffalo, Inc. is an independent, nonprofit, nonpolitical organization whose sole purpose is to provide service to the members of local law enforcement, fire and emergency medical service agencies and their families. 

Established in 1957 to provide cash assistance to the families of police officers killed in the line of duty. The 100 Club has grown and now provides, along with the death benefit, scholarships, educational assistance and various awards to the members and families of the police, fire and emergency medical service agencies of Western New York. The 100 Club is able to provide assistance through membership dues and service, voluntary contributions and fundraising activities. Through 2019, The 100 Club has collected and distributed more than $4 million in Western New York.

More information about the 100 Club of Buffalo and the 2020 Scholarship of Excellence winners is available at